The Baschet Sound Structures Association offers:

The “Association Structures Sonores Baschet” is a registered charity under the French law of 1901 (concerning not-for-profit organisations), considered “general interest”. Our registration number is (RNA) : W913004412 Our Siret number is : 34248479700010. APE : 9001Z
The Baschet Sound Structures are patented instruments protected under intellectual property law. The heirs of the Baschet Brothers artists hold the rights to this intellectual property, as registered at the French ADAGP (Society of Authors in the Graphic and Plastic Arts).
The Baschet Sound Structures Association has an exclusive license with the Baschet brothers estate to build the Cristal Baschet, the Polytimbral Percussion, the Instrumentarium, the Voice Leaf and the Turning Whilster. Any other reproductions are, therefore, liable to legal proceedings.

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